Working with database (direct SQL)

When executing server scripts, rr object of RR prototype (available in functions and controllers as this) contains a reference to database connection (object of LNSQL prototype).

Main methods are described bellow:

Name Parameters Returns Description
Public methods
rollback Rollbacks current transaction
commit Commits current transaction (also will be automatically executed at the moment of HTTP-request end)
execute filename String, params Object Executes SQL-query located in a file
execute_and_fetch filename String, params Object Array of Object Executes SQL-query located in a file and returns an array of result objects
execute_and_fetch_one filename String, params Object Object Executes SQL-quest located in a file and return first result row as an object (undefined, if query returned no rows)
execute_and_fetch_h filename String, params Object Array of Object Recursively executes SQL-query located in a file to get tree-like (hierarchical) result.
execute_single query String, params Object Same as execute, but first parameter is not a filename but a query text itself
execute_and_fetch_single query String, params Object Array of Object Same as execute_and_fetch, but first parameter is not a filename but a query text itself
execute_and_fetch_one_single query String, params Object Object Same as execute_and_fetch_one, but first parameter is not a filename but a query text itself
execute_and_fetch_h_single query String, params Object Array of Object Same as execute_and_fetch_h, but first parameter is not a filename but a query text itself
rebuild_execute filename String, params Object
rebuild_execute_and_fetch filename String, params Object Array of Object
rebuild_execute_and_fetch_one filename String, params Object Object
explain filename String html String Returns a prettified HTML-table with query execution plan
explain_analyze filename String,params Object html String
explain_single query String html String
explain_analyze_single query String,params Object html String
System methods
last_insert_id tablename String Integer Returns a last inserted primary key of given table.
load filename String String Loads file from disk
rebuild query String, params Object String Rebuilds SQL-query using SQL-template engine. Returns text of new SQL query
logs_to_array Array
logs_to_html_comment html String Returns statistics of SQL queries execution formatted as HTML comment

Details of execute*

Functions, accepting filename as a first argument, accept filename without ".sql" and "sql/", so for a file "code/sql/users/list_active.sql" you will need to pass "users/list_active".

Prior execution, a query is prepared (prepare), with all named bind variables to be associated either with values of params object, or (if such parameter is not in params object), with params of rr.fields object.

Bind example

// (somewhere inside controller)

select id,ext,orig_filename
from Tfiles
    file_folder_id=:folder_id and
    filesize>=:minsize and

When calling URL, following variable will be bound:

Variable Value Data source
folder_id 100 params
minsize 500 rr.fields
maxsize undefined -nowhere-

Details of execute_and_fetch_h

This query is used for sequential (recursive) reading from the database - for each element the query is called again with a new value of the parent_id parameter.

This method is currently considered deprecated and its use is not recommended, since it generates a lot of queries to the database and it is better to create a query using with recursive.

Details of rebuild