fs (Filesystem module)

Does filesystem work - access to files and directories.


var fs=require("fs");

Access to directories:

var dir=new fs.Directory("/etc/");
var html="<h1>List of subdirectories in /etc/</h1>";
dir.listDirectories().forEach(function(dirname) {
    html+="<div class='dir'>"+dirname+"</div>\n";

Access to files:

var file=new fs.File("/etc/passwd");
var html="<h1>List of users on this machine</h1>";
file.read().toString("utf-8").split(/\n/).forEach(function(userline) {
    var tmp=userline.split(/:/);
    html+="<div class='user-login'>"+tmp[0]+"</div>\n";

List of methods of Directory class

Name Arguments Returns Description
new String dirname Creates an object of Directory class, with dirname an absolute or relative directory name. 
create int mode Makes a directory with given permissions. If argument is missing, 0777 is assumed. Throws an error if directory cannot be made.
listFiles Array of String Returns an array of file names in given directory. Throws an error if directory cannot be listed.
listDirectories Array of String Returns an array of subdirectory names in given directory. Throw an error if directory cannot be listed. 
toString String Returns a directory name (an argument given at new Directory call)
exists Boolean Returns if directory exists, can be accessed and dirname type is directory (not a file, symlink etc) 
remove Removes directory. Throws an error if cannot be done.
stat Object Returns stats of directory as of C stat() function. See below for details.
isDirectory Returns if directory exists and dirname type is directory (does not check for access rights)

List of methods of File class

Name Arguments Returns Description
new String filename

Create an object of File class, with filename an absolute or relative file name.

Also can be used with file descriptor (for example, from exec3).

open String mode Opens file, valid modes are same as C fopen() function ("r", "w", "a","r+",...). Throws an error if file cannot be opened. 
read Buffer Reads a full file into binary Buffer.
readLine Buffer Reads a line into binary Buffer.
rewind Rewinds file. Throws an error if file is not opened.
close Closes file. Throws an error if file cannot be closed. 
flush Calls C fflush() function. Throws an error if file is closed.
write Buffer or String data Writes contents to (previously opened for writting) file.
writeLine Buffer or String data Writes contents to (previously opened for writting) file.
remove Deletes file
toString Returns a file name (an argument given at new new File call)
exists Boolean Returns if file exists, can be accessed and filename type is file (not a directory, symlink etc)
move String newname Renames file to newname. Changes filename inside object.
copy String newname Copies file to newname. Object is not changed.
stat Object Returns stats of file as of C stat() function. See below for details.
isFile Boolean Returns is file exists and filename type is file (does not check for access rights)
isEOF Boolean Returns if file position indicator status is EOF as of C feof() function. Throws an error if file is closed. 

Details of dir.stat() and file.stat() methods

Both methods return same data, as of C stat() function. You can see man 2 stat for details.

var f=new fs.File("/etc/passwd");
var stat=f.stat();
var html="<h1>File stats are</h1>\n";
html+="<p>Size: "+stat.size+" bytes</p>\n";
html+="<p>Creation date: "+(new Date(stat.ctime*1000))+"</p>\n";
html+="<p>Last modification date: "+(new Date(stat.mtime*1000))+"</p>\n";

Argument Type Description
size BigInt File size in bytes
mtime BigInt Time in seconds since start of epoch. Must be multiplied by 1000 to use with new Date()
atime BigInt
ctime BigInt
mode Int Access rights
uid Int Owner id
gid Int Group id